Jan 23, 2015

Movie Review: This ‘Baby’ is Worth Your Day Out!

When was the last time you saw an action-thriller that did not let your mind wander even for a minute? Think. Madras Café? Special 26? A Wednesday? Whatever your pick is, do notice that you are most likely to name a Neeraj Pandey film when it comes to genuine action thrillers that keep you on the edge of your seat. Pandey does it again with ‘Baby’. Although, ‘A Wednesday’ remains my favorite in this genre, ‘Baby’ is nothing less than a giant leap when you ponder over the sheer dearth of quality thrillers in the Hindi film industry.

Read the full review here:

Note: Watch out for film reviews every week, now exclusively on www.todaybollywood.com

Jan 17, 2015

Watch 'Alone' with your friends and have a little laugh about it!

Based on the 2007 Thai film of the same name, Director Bhushan Patel’s ‘Alone’ does little justice to what is an otherwise interesting premise of a love triangle between two human beings and a ghost! Apart from a couple of genuine and praiseworthy creepy scenes, ‘Alone’ suffers from what plagues most of the Hindi films belonging to this genre. So, there are squeaking doors, a barking dog, a couple of weird looking dolls (which no normal child would pick up to play) and of course, a protagonist who hears and sees things only after she goes to bed in her cute little knickers.

Read the full review here: http://www.todaybollywood.com/movies/menu-reviews/watch-alone-friends-little-laugh/

Note: Watch out for film reviews every week, now exclusively on www.todaybollywood.com