Sep 17, 2011

क्योंकि हिंदी मीठी है...

कल मैंने फेसबुक पर एक तस्वीर देखी. उसमें एक फोटो फ्रेम के अन्दर 'हिंदी' शब्द लिखा हुआ था और उस के ऊपर एक हार चढ़ाया हुआ था. फोटो देख के मुझे तकलीफ नहीं हुई. दरअसल मुझे काफी आश्चर्य हुआ. हम कितनी जल्दी फैसलों पे पहुँच जाते हैं. मुझे ये समझ नहीं आता की आखिर हिंदी और उसके भविष्य को लेकर लोगों में इतनी घबराहट क्यों है? क्यों हम हिंदी को एक मरी हुई भाषा के तौर पे देखना और दिखाना चाहते हैं?

मेरे हिसाब से हिंदी तब तक जीवित है जब तक हमारी सोच 'हिंदी' है. जी हाँ, भले ही हम अंग्रेजी में लाख गुटरगूं करलें, कहानियां लिखें, कवितायेँ लिखें या फिर 'स्टेटस अपडेट' करें, हमारी इन सारी क्रियाकलापों की जड़ में हिंदी है. हमें जब कुछ बहुत महत्वपूर्ण बात सोचनी होती है, हम हिंदी का ही सहारा लेते हैं. हिंदी हमारी सोच में छिपी है. और इंसानी सोच इतनी जल्दी मरती नहीं. मुझे याद है, पिछले हफ्ते जब मेरे प्रोफेसर ने अचानक मुझे माएक  पर आकर कुछ बोलने को कहा तो मेरे अन्दर की अंग्रेजी ने मुझे धोखा दे दिया, अपनी बात रखने और साख बचाने के लिए मुझे हिंदी का ही सहारा लेना पड़ा. अंग्रेजी आपकी पहचान बन सकती है लेकिन हिंदी आपका भरोसा है, अपने घर की तरह, थके हारे आप कभी भी वहां लौट सकते हैं.

हिंदी एक मीठी जुबां है. सच बोलूं तो अगर मैं काफी देर तक अंग्रेजी में बात करता हूँ तो मेरी जीभ थक जाती है. जब मैं बहुत खुश होता हूँ तो मैं हिंदी में बोलता हूँ. जब बहुत गुस्से में होता हूँ तो गालियाँ हिंदी में ही निकलती हैं. 'शीट, ओह माय गव्ड' जैसे शब्द रोज़ की बातचीत का हिस्सा होने के बाद भी 'सुपफिशिअल' ही जान पड़ते हैं.  और मेरे हिसाब से यही छोटी मगर मोती बातें हिंदी को महान भाषा और एक अमर संस्कृति बनाती हैं. 

मुझे हिंदी के भविष्य को लेकर चिंता तब होती है जब कुछ लोग हिंदी बोलने और लिखने के चक्कर में दूध का दही बना देते हैं. हिंदी की श्रेष्टता साबित करने के लिए कई लोग ऐसे शब्दों का प्रयोग करते हैं जो ना सिर्फ बोलने और समझने में तकलीफदेह होती है बल्कि हिंदी की एक भाषा के रूप में छवि भी खराब करती है. क्यूँ हम हिंदी को एक मुश्किल और जटिल भाषा के रूप में पेश करना चाहते हैं? ट्रेन को ट्रेन बोलने में क्या दिक्कत है, 'लौहपथगामिनी' बोल कर आप क्या साबित करना चाहते हैं? हिंदी की भलाई इसी में है कि वो समय के साथ बाकी भाषाओँ से अपना तालमेल बना कर रखे. विश्व की कोई भी भाषा पूर्णतः शुद्ध नहीं है. अंग्रेजी में भी फ्रेंच, लातिन और अन्य यूरोपियन भाषायों का प्रभाव है. हिंदी की ख़ूबसूरती उसकी जटिलता में नहीं सहजता में है, हिंदी कोई 'टंगट्विस्टर' नहीं बल्कि एक बेहद ही मीठी भाषा है. हिंदी यूँही हिंदुस्तान की प्रमुख भाषा नहीं है, सदियों से यह भाषा एक अथाह सागर की तरह खुद में कईयों को मिलाती रही है, चाहे वो उर्दू हो या अंग्रेजी, हिंदी शरबत के ग्लास की तरह है जिसके अन्दर कई स्वाद घुलते रहे हैं. उर्दू के 'शक़' से लेकर अंग्रेजी के 'फक' (Fuck) तक!

हिंदी से भले अब मेरी थोड़ी दूरी हो चली हो, लेकिन आज भी यह भाषा मेरे बहुत करीब है. और यह करीबी कभी कम नहीं होगी क्यूंकि मेरी सोच हिंदी है. मुझे याद है किस तरह बचपन में रेडियो पर मैं बीबीसी हिंदी सुना करता था. मेरी लिए वही सच्ची हिंदी की परिभाषा है. मेरे लिए नंदन और चम्पक जैसी किताबें हिंदी की सच्ची पहचान हैं. हिंदी मेरी मातृभाषा है, इसीलिए ये सरल और सहज होनी चाहिए. आखिर माँ से बातचीत में जटिलता कैसी?

हम हिंदी सप्ताह या पखवाडा इसलिए ना मनाएं की हमें एक महान भाषा को श्रद्धा-अंजलि  देनी है. हमें हिंदी पखवाडा मनाना चाहिए, भाषा का जश्न मनाने के लिए. इस बात पे गर्व करने के लिए की हमें विरासत में एक इतनी खूबसूरत जुबां मिली है जो समय की हर परीक्षा पे खड़ी उतरी है.

और हाँ हिंदी तब तक सलामत है जब तक न्यूयोर्क से लौटा वो फिल्म का विद्यार्थी मुंबई में आकर हिंदी फिल्में बनाता हो. जब तक हमारे गीतकार रूमानी बातें कहने के लिए खड़ी बोली हिंदी का सहारा लेते हों.

हिंदी तब तक महफूज़ है जब तक इस देश का प्रधानमंत्री लोगों को संबोधित करने में इस भाषा का प्रयोग करें.

जब तक दो दोस्त मिलने पर 'साले' और 'कुत्ते' कहकर एक दुसरे को बुलाएं. 

हिंदी बहुत सुरक्षित है. साहित्य के पन्नो में, या वक्ताओं के भाषणों में नहीं, अन्दर कहीं हमारे दिल में....

Sep 11, 2011

Anniversaries We Mark

When the world was simpler and people naive, anniversary was about birthdays and marriages. We all waited with bated breath for our birthdays to come or our parents' marriage anniversary to arrive. We were simple people, drawing happiness out of these special little days of the year. Even for institutions with bigger canvas like a state or a nation, anniversaries were meant to mark historical days of achievement, freedom, success and martyrdom. Our very own Republic Day, Gandhi Jayanti or even US' 4th of July celebrations are some shining examples.

But things have taken a drastic turnaround now. Now, it is all about how you play up to the gallery. Your actions are no more melody of our own, but have become a collective cacophony of sorts. In the era of digital revolution and media crusade, anniversaries are meant to gain mileage or wield a weird symbolic punch. So, we mark 10 years of the horrific 9/11 attacks in a manner that is bound to encourage more of such cowardly acts. We remind them of their 'heroics' and inspire them to seek further 'revenge'.

Media is the oxygen of terrorism. Those who mastermind bomb blasts, terror attacks do not just intend to inflict damage to life and property. Their ultimate wish is to create panic, infuse fear and insecurity in the minds of the people. The all-powerful media of our times, falls prey to this dirty tactic of terrorists and adds fuel to already blazing fire. Non-stop coverage, the feeling of city/nation being under siege, that helplessness, blood, gore and tears on screen.

It is because of this, I think, anniversaries like 9/11 should not be observed with such fanfare. Why give them another chance to strike by gathering around the place that was once struck? Will Obama's speech will make any difference to those who lost their loved ones ten years back? What's the wisdom behind throwing your security apparatus in tizzy every year around 9/11?

Has the world changed 10 years after 9/11? I am not sure. Blood bath continues in Iraq, Afghanistan. US' War on Terror is far from over and light years away from success. Americans' frantic 'pat down' at airports continues. Yes, it has served them well. But, they are not breathing easy. And you are not a victor till you can breathe easy. The only success, if at all, has been the killing of viagra powered Osama Bin Ladin.

Some media researcher remarked few years back, "There would be no terrorism in this world, if there was no media." I do not fully endorse his view but, yes, his remarks forces me to ponder. Forces all of us to ponder. Terrorism resembles showbiz in many ways. There is media attention & scrutiny, glamour (of different kind), fanfare (of different kind), appreciation and emulation (of different kind). With so much coverage and footage already being dedicated to terrorism, least we can do is to do away with such symbolic anniversaries. I thought Osama's burial in sea marked a new dawn of smartness for the American Mind but alas they have flattered to deceive, yet again. They still talk of 'credible but unconfirmed threats' of terror on eve of 9/11 anniversary.

Those 102 minutes, we must forget. Why just on September 11, that tragedy should haunt us all the time. Silently, we should mourn and resolve to emerge stronger. Our happiness and safety lies in our hands. The more noise we make, more vulnerable we are, in this world of great insecurity.

Sep 5, 2011

Pen Drive

Perhaps, Your dad made us meet
Taught you to hold me gently
Holding me made you feel important
Glistening in glory, I wrote your fate

Together we made lesser mistakes
As there was no room to erase follies
Thoughts got a mirror to reflect
And we traveled the world on a paper

When love struck you like lightening
I was your hope and yearning
From the pocket to purse
I was with you in good and worse

Whether borrowed or bought
Lying in a corner or a decorated piece
Flamboyant signature, examination curse
I have been your all-weather pal

Now, you have made new friends
Keys are more important than the ink
Yet, when you languish, long and strive
Do not Hesitate to get into a Pen Drive

Sep 3, 2011

Bombay Beloved: Rock On! (2008)

Film Making is an exciting process. Perhaps, no other work engulfs you to an extent that you yourself become its embodiment. While making a film, you become its characters, its songs, situations and even its success/ failure. There are some stand out examples of such devoted film-makers, actors, musicians and other technicians who give their soul and heart to the process of film-making. For them, films are not just their source of livelihood or even a medium to express their creativity, but also a way of life.

First Impression:

When we look at the young generation of filmmakers, Farhan Akhtar is one such shining example. However, in 2008, when he decided to take a plunge into acting and singing, I was little skeptical. Being a conservative man, I have always vouched for 'specialists' and hence Akhtar's decision left doubts in my mind. Rock On!, the supposed launching pad of Farhan the Singer and Actor, was being directed by a little know Abhishek Kapoor, who had earlier delivered a dud like Aryan. All kinds of negative images were created in my mind regarding the film. I wanted a supremely talented director to stick to what he does best, direct films.

Even the music of Rock On! failed to make inroads in my thick skin. I am a very stubborn man when it comes to likes and dislikes. The idea of rocking on in Hindi seemed little alien to me. Javed Akhtar's lyrics failed to impress me first up. And then the film released. I went to watch it with a friend after lots of pursuance and insistence.

What I witnessed on screen during those 3 hours was awe-inspiring. Rock On! made one thing very clear from the onset. I did not need to be a rockstar to watch and enjoy the film. I did not require to have an understanding of Rock Music and bands to appreciate and indulge in the film. All I needed was to have a few good friends, some successes and failures and unfulfilled ambitions in my life to 'experience' Rock On!


Aditya Shroff (Farhan Akhtar) is the lead singer  of the band 'Magik' who belongs to an affluent family. Joseph (Joe) Mascarhenas (Arjun Rampal) is the lead guitarist, Rob Nancy (Luke Kenny) and Kedar Zaveri or KD/"Killer Drummer" (Purab Kohli) comprise the remainder of the band. As youngsters, they dream of making it big in Rock Music but end up messing it up when the opportunity actually arrives. A series of compromises, ego tussles and love-hate relationships finally leads to disbanding of the band Magik. Worse, the four protaganists cease to be friends and drag themselves into cocoons of life, doing things that did not excite them.

Ten years later, coincidences and Aditya's Wife Sakshi's (Prachi Desai) efforts bring them together. Joe is now married to her girlfriend Debbie (Shahana Goswami) and is in poor financial condition. Magik regroups to recreate magic one last time. Friendship, love and ambition triumph over ego, hatred and obstacles.

Performances/ Why the Film Works?

Rock On! pegs you to dream big. It teaches you to value your relationships and never hesitate to pursue your goals. The film's high point lies in the simplicity with which it conveys a bag of complex emotions. Farhan Akhtar makes a fascinating debut and his voice emerges as his biggest strength. Arjun Rampal, finally, comes of age, and infuses life into the character of an insecure, struggling musician who wants to reach to stars someday. Luke Kenny and Purab Kohli play their part well and the four members of the band bond like house on fire. The ladies, Prachi Desai and specially Shahana Goswami, are not mere showpieces and are inseparable part of film's storyline. Abhishek Kapoor, the director, makes a massive mark with Rock On. This film makes Excel Entertainment's slate even more brighter.

Kudos S-E-L and Javed Saab!

With time, I developed a strong liking for the film's music. 'Tum Ho Toh' is melancholy and jubilation personified. 'Sinbbad the Sailor' is a landmark Hindi Rock Song. The title song and Pichhle Saat Dino Mein are superbly composed (Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy) and written (Javed Akhtar). Rock On has an ultimate soundtrack that every music lover should have. And I have no hesitation in admitting that my initial judgement of the soundtrack was, well, faulty. (To say the least).

Why a 'Bombay Beloved?'

Rock On! symbolized Hindi cinema's coming of age, in many ways. It showed that buddy flicks need not always revolve around girls, romance and love, and a film based on Rock music can work with Indian masses. The main reason why Rock On worked, both with the critics and at the Box Office, was because it had its heart in place. Joe Mascarhenas did not just play with strings of the guitar but also hit a chord or two of the viewers' hearts. Aditya's vocals give you goosebumps, the band's camaraderie makes you smile. You relate with film's characters, their fights, the situations and wish to have that final swansong in your life too.

Rock On! is an honest film that does extraordinary things to you while telling an ordinary story. The culminating song (the last performance of the band) made me shiver and left my eyes wet. I am sure most of us have already watched it. If you have not, watch it as soon as possible. This is somewhere near to New Age Hindi Cinema's Pinnacle.

Bombay Beloved series will feature Hindi films that have offered something new to the viewers, set a new trend in the industry and have certain repeat value.